Monthly Archives December 2009

Nietzsche on software (?)

In his first amendment to Human, All Too Human (1886), entitled Miscellaneous Maxims and Opinions, Friedrich Nietzsche states that 300. HOW FAR EVEN IN THE GOOD THE HALF MAY BE MORE THAN THE WHOLE. — In all things that are constructed to last and demand the service of many hands, much that is less good must […]

Power and rebellion in Marunouchi

In the chilly yet sunny winter afternoon, I took a walk past the imperial palace in the centre of Tokyo. I find sunny winter days refreshing. The palace is interesting to behold. It is fronted by lots of that most precious of Tokyo commodities, open space. Supposedly, during the height of the land bubble, the […]

An immutable MultiMap for Scala

The Scala collections library (in version 2.7.7) has a MultiMap trait for mutable collections, but none for immutable ones. I hacked something up to use while waiting for an official version. I’m finding this to work well, but I don’t have much experience with collections design, so it’s likely to have some flaws. Also, this […]

A wikipedia of algorithms

Here’s something I’ve wanted to see for some time, but probably don’t have time to work on myself. It would be nice if there was a wikipedia-like web site for code and algorithms. Just the common ones to start with, but perhaps more specialised ones over time. Of course the algorithms should be available in […]