What makes a good programming language?

New programming languages are released all the time. History is littered with dead ones. There are also many long time survivors in good shape, as well as geriatric languages on life support.

What makes a programming language attractive and competitive? How can we evaluate its quality? There are many different aspects of this problem.

Ease of reading and writing, or: directness of the mapping between the problem in your head and the model you are creating on the computer. This can be highly domain dependent, for instance languages such as LaTeX, Matlab and R are designed with specific problems in mind and cater to users from that domain. Their limits show quickly when you try to stretch them beyond their envisioned purpose. Speaking of general programming languages, I think Python deserves to be mentioned as a language that is extremely readable and writable. It has other shortcomings though – see below. Prolog is also highly read- and writable if it suits your problem.

Runtime performance. Arguably this is one of the few reasons to bother with using C++. For the majority of programming projects though, performance is much less of a problem than one might think, especially if one considers how close the performance of many JVM languages get to C++. When programmers think about their overall productivity and effectiveness in developing and maintaining a system, C++ is often not the best choice, obviously.

Scalability to large teams. The key property here is: does the language do anything to help me, as a developer, work with code that other people wrote? Ease of maintenance may be strongly correlated with usability in large teams. An anti-pattern here is languages that allow for solving the same problem in a huge amount of ways with very variable syntax. For instance, Perl and C++ can lead to notoriously unmaintainable code if used carelessly. Some say that Scala also suffers from this problem. Basically, the language helps here if it prevents me from doing things that other developers might not expect, and that I might forget to document or communicate. This is why Gosling famously called Java a blue collar language; it restricts you enough to make teamwork quite practical. It even restricts the layout of your source file hierarchy. (Now we begin to see that some goals are in conflict with each other).

Scalability to large systems. This is related to the preceding property, but whereas team scalability seems to be mainly about avoiding the creation of code fragments that surprise people other than their creators, system size scalability seems to be about avoiding the creation of code fragments that surprise other code fragments. Here one needs invariants, good type checking, static constraints of all kinds. Scripting languages like Perl and Python, lacking static typing completely, are some of the worst in this regard, since we cannot even be sure at startup time that methods we try to invoke on objects exist at all (Python).

Scalability over time (maintainability). If there is both system size scalability and team scalability, then the system is also likely to be able to live for a long time without great troubles.

Developer efficiency and rapid prototyping. Depending on the nature of the system being developed, this may depend on several different properties listed above.

Availability of quality tools. Mature runtime environments, such as the JVM, have many more high quality tools and IDEs available than a language than Ruby. Mature languages also have more compilers for more different architectures available.

These points begin to give us an idea of how we can evaluate programming languages. However, I also believe that making a good language and making people use it is largely about luck and factors outside the design itself. Just like there’s a big step between imagining and specifying an utopian society and making that social order an actuality, there’s a big step between designing an ideal programming language and achieving widespread adoption for it. We have seen a way forward though: with generalised runtime environments such as the JVM and the CLR, we may develop and deploy languages that take advantage of a lot of existing infrastructure much more easily than before. And what I hope for is in fact that it becomes even easier to deploy new languages, and that new languages are as interoperable as possible (insofar as it doesn’t constrain their design), so that we could see more competition, more evolution and more risk taking in the PL space.

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