Why Scala? The mixing of imperative and functional style

Scala is a little wonderland sprinkled with useful things you can mix and match as you like to improve your coding experience while staying on the Java platform. The Option classes, the structural case matching, the compact declarations, lazy evaluation… the list goes on. But at the heart of it is the decision to mix freely the functional and imperative programming styles.

How does this work in practice?

  • Statements can have side effects, like in Java
  • The final statement evaluated in a function is its return value by default
  • Every statement evaluates to a value, even control flow statements like if… else, unlike in Java

The bottom line is that some problems call for a functional programming style, and others for an imperative one. Scala doesn’t force you into a mold, it just gives you what you need to express what you’d like to express. This can lead to very compact code. Here’s a function that recursively finds all files ending in .java starting in a given directory. The File class here is the standard Java java.io.File!

Remember, the last expression evaluated is the return value.

 def findJavaFiles(dir: File): List[File] = {
    val files = dir.listFiles()
    val javaFiles = files.filter({_.getName.endsWith(".java")})
    val dirs = files.filter({_.isDirectory})
    javaFiles.toList ++ dirs.flatMap{findJavaFiles(_)}

But we can write it even more compactly at the expense of some clarity:

 def findJavaFiles(dir: File) = {
    val files = dir.listFiles()
    files.filter(_.getName.endsWith(".java")).toList ++

Now write this function in Java and see how many lines you end up with.

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