Author Archives

Books: Deleuze’s Nietzsche and De Landa’s Nonlinear History

In 2012, so far, I’ve finished two very evocative books. One is Deleuze’s Nietzsche and Philosophy. The other is Manuel De Landa’s 1000 Years of Nonlinear History. Deleuze’s Nietzsche is the author’s interpretation of Nietzsche’s thought. This is perhaps one of the most coherent interpretations of Nietzsche I’ve read. It succeeds in turning Nietzsche’s notoriously […]

Entering into bioinformatics

As of now, I have been working with bioinformatics in the Mizuguchi lab at NIBIO, Osaka, for about two weeks. The lab environment is stimulating and I feel quite fortunate to be here. It is interesting to compare computer science and bioinformatics with just the hindsight of this short period. In computer science and electronics, […]

My Ph.D. Thesis: “Extending the Java Programming Language for Evolvable Component Integration”

After three very hectic first months of 2012, the final version of my Ph.D. thesis has been submitted and I’ve gone through the graduation ceremonies. From the 1st of April I will be a postdoctoral associate in bioinformatics at the National Institute of Biomedical Innovation in Osaka, Japan. I will comment further on my Ph.D. […]

Technology and utilitarianism

Technologists and engineers often use the ideas of utilitarianism to evaluate their solutions. If something is cheaper, or faster, or lets people live 3.2 days longer on average, or some other number can be optimised, they judge a solution to be better. In short, they use a quantitative form of  judgment. This way of thinking […]

Towards an understanding of will

Will has the potential to be turned into a fundamental concept through which ethics, epistemology, art, life and politics might be understood. How can we define the idea of will? I’m sure I’ll find a lot of answers to this in the philosophical literature in time (maybe I should read Schopenhauer). But what I came […]