Tag Archives: possibly novel

Towards an understanding of will

Will has the potential to be turned into a fundamental concept through which ethics, epistemology, art, life and politics might be understood. How can we define the idea of will? I’m sure I’ll find a lot of answers to this in the philosophical literature in time (maybe I should read Schopenhauer). But what I came […]

Continuous computing

Disclaimer: I haven’t checked academic sources for any of the statements made in this post – all of it is speculation which may be affirmed or rejected by existing literature. Existing computing hardware and software are based on a discrete model: the Church-Turing model. The machinery is built on digital logic, and formalisms such as […]

Making playtime useful with color filling games

There’s a veritable torrent of little games constantly being released for the iPhone. One of the more likable ones is Flood-It, which I’ve been playing recently. The premise is extremely simple: you start off with a grid divided into squares of different, randomized colors. You are given a tool that works a bit like the […]