Tag Archives: programmer psychology

Piety, self-examination and the purification of software

This writer is not a believer in Christianity. However, I am interested in trying to understand the history of and heritage from Christianity, as it is a major component of Western culture. Of particular interest to me is the heritage from protestantism, which also happens to be the official religion of Sweden, the society that […]

Programming languages are about people

Programming languages are more about people and less about machines. Programming languages are about staying inside the limitations of people’s minds and their ability to keep track of and work with abstractions. If people had no such limitations, they could code in assembly language all the time. Programming languages and supporting tools and environments are […]

Searching and creating

We distinguish between inventions and discoveries. You can own the intellectual property rights to an invention, but not to a discovery (you can’t patent the discovery of mercury or selenium, for instance). Inventions are meant to be created, and discoveries are meant to be sought for. But sometimes, the line between invention and discovery is blurry. […]

The ego fallacy

A senior manager at a company I used to work at once said that (making) software is a very social activity. I didn’t have much experience, and was very surprised at the time, since I had never thought about the human aspect of software development. But of course this aspect is extremely important. For example, […]