The ego fallacy

A senior manager at a company I used to work at once said that (making) software is a very social activity. I didn’t have much experience, and was very surprised at the time, since I had never thought about the human aspect of software development. But of course this aspect is extremely important. For example, in any setting with more than one programmer working on a project, the need for well functioning communication is huge, as much as in any other job I suspect. Projects often fail due to a lack of communication.

Another human side to software development is that some developers, this author included, easily start seeing the code they write as their own intellectual turf. If somebody challenges the developer’s practices or code, offering a better solution, it will be met with massive resistance. Partly out of laziness, but partly, I think, out of a desire to protect their territory and their legacy.

I do this myself more often than I would like. And it leads to bad results because it creates obstacles to communication and means that team members pull in different directions. Thus, somehow the incentives are wrong. If everybody’s goal were to allow the team to deliver a good product quickly, this would not happen. Why is it that your goal after some time with a project sometimes becomes to defend what you have created? Why do we identify with the code we wrote, and not with the bigger project?

This doesn’t mean that looking to your own interests or to your ego is a bad thing – rather that it’s easy to be shortsighted about what is in your best interests.

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